Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thank You Lord 5 years NED 16 January 2013

This is the day The Lord has made! We will REJOICE and be glad in it!!
Thank You Lord Jesus, Our Savior and Mighty God for this day of celebrating the first 5 years of Deqlans eternal NED Status! Thank You Lord for answering our prayers and... working Your miracles in our beautiful Deqlan Ross.
All praise and glory and honour to You!
Thank you to all of you for praying and loving Deqlan and our family.
Thank You Lord for your gifts and blessings and healing in our gift from You, Deqlan , whom we love and adore with our all and everything.
Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, August 3, 2012

Loggy bear

For those of you who dont know and havent seen on facebook yet, Miss Logan has joined us in Durbs!
She has been with us for nearly 4 weeks now, and is settling in well
Logan is really enjoying her new school! Its great to see her excited and motivated! only 15 kids in the class, so one on one attention and stunning activities like an Eco club, swimming of course, choir - to name a few.
Deqlan is enjoying having Logan here to and its a real blessing to watch him interacting and enjoying having her around to be a real naughty little brother at times!! Taking things out her room, jumping on her bed, trying to make her laugh! Logan loves to tickle Deqlan and delights in watching him laugh and getting up to mischief.

Hope you enjoy Durbs Logan < its lovely to have you with us! Remember the sky is the limit! You only have to dream it for it to be a reality! Hard work will pay off, we know you can be so succesful in your studies and sports at your new school!
Hopefully the weather will improve so we can get to the beach more often!
Love you Logs, God bless and walk with you every step of this new journey
Dad, Samm & Deqlan

Monday, July 23, 2012

sea legs

Well, i can start to say we are finding our sea legs after 3 months of being in Durbs

It hasnt been an easy sail at all - we have sailed through many stormy sea's and had many overcast and turbulent weather conditions , but its starting to feel like the sea's are calmer and the sun's beams are starting to peep through our new way of life.
And you know what - Our Lifeguard walks on water!
He has helped us through so much, as He always has, thank You Lord for your continued guidance and love and care and direction

Deqlan started to settle into Browns school - he started asking to go in the morning and we started hearing some of the new songs he was learning .

We had our meeeting at school and decided , mutually that it wasnt the right place for Deqlan - we still stood firm on no medication, as we knew he didnt need it, we knew he did just fine without it at Little Leaps, not to mention the ridiculous list of side affects!

We also decided it would be best not to yank him out suddenly but give him a few days to get used to the idea of leaving the school, so we agreed, he would complete the rest of term 2 there.

I got a call last week of school term 2, from the HOD asking us to give Deqlan another chance, at the school for term 3. She remarked they had seen great improvement in Deqlan in the last few weeks , and that another little guy , who had very challenging behaviours was leaving the class, which gave the teacher more oppurtunity for the teacher to help Deqlan settle in.

Deqlan really started to shine , after we returned from seeing Nanna and the rest of the family in May he started to settle in better , enjoy going to school, even asking to go to school. We started hearing about what he was doing in class, from Deqlan himself and hearing the songs he was learning.

Just got a call on Thursday to say " your beautiful boy has been accepted to our school"

We are delighted that Deqlan showed them, it could be done, without medication, without changing who he is! He just needed time, understanding , support and for the teachers and therapists to go into Deqlan's world, and help him feel comfortable enough to come out and show them who he really is!

So we going to give it a go and just ensure that we are all on the same page- will be having a meeting with the teacher this week to discuss Deqlans IEP - individualised education plan, to make sure , he is working at his pace, and not the general pace of the class. We got to make sure that he doesnt only benefit socially but academically as well, and is challenged to learn new things and go forward

Thanks for all the prayers and checking in !
God Bless all our love
Mark Samm Deqlan Logan
Be Still and know that I am God!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Happy Fathers day to all the special Dads, Grandads, Big Grandads, Oupas, Godfathers and
Our Heavenly Father. Thank you for all you do for us, we love and treasure, admire and appreciate you all! God Bless you and look after you all xxxx

Friday, May 18, 2012


Thank You Lord for the blessing of Mothers, Grandmothers, Godmothers

Thank you for the most beautiful Mom in the world - thank you for delivering an earth angel to me , the moment i was placed in her arms nearly 34 years ago - from that moment she has loved me beyond anything possible, she has protected me, nutured me, taught me about life and taught me about You! She has held my hand through the hardest times of my life, she has lifted me up and celebrated with me the most wonderful times of my life! She is my everything, i love her with my all - she is my inspiration!

Not only do i have the most beautiful Mom, Deqlan has the most beautiful and perfect Nanna in the world! She has showered Deqlan with all the love she has to give and even more, she has walked with him every step of the journies you have placed him on - she has supported, dedicated, and help Deqlan shine as bright as he is - Lord, there are not enough thank you's to You for the beautiful Nanna you blessed Deqlan with.

Thank you for my Nan, Lord only You know how my heart aches and misses her. Thank you for the most beautiful memories and moments we created together - i will have them and treasure them always- my birthday girl - thankyou for the honour of seeing her first great grand child in Deqlan - for coning to see him at his school concerts. Thank you for Nans beautiful laugh which always brings a smile to my face and heart when i remember it. Thank you for the sacrifices she made to help Mom take care of us . Love you my Nan, miss you every day , my guardian angel in heaven

Thank you for my beautiful sister, who has made the most incredible Godmother Deqlan could ever be blessed with - she has held our hands every step of the way , she has celebrated all Deqlans triumphs, she has faught with us - she has loved him with her all! Another earth angel sent from above , that you often use to let Your Holy Spirit speak to me through!! Meggie has also been the most amazing Aunt and friend to Logan - what a gift we are forever thankful for! love you Meggie.

Lord thank you for the honour of being Godmother to Keaton and Khloe ! I love them with my all and everything, i love them as if they were my own. Thank you for the laughs and joy and love they bring to my life, help me to be the best example i can be to them and teach them about Your never ending love and great ways! Love you both with my all!

Thank you for the blessing of being stepmom to Logan - what a very special place she has in my heart - i love her as if she was my own and just want the very best for her. Let her know how much she is loved and treasured and help us make the best decisions for her! Love you Logs , miss you , but see you soon!!

Lord, the greatest honor and gift you have bestowed upon me is to be Deqlans Mom - thank You for trusting him to me! Thank you for giving me the tools to be the best Mom i can be - i need to ask You to help me be a better Mom each day to him! Thank you for the love that just flows out of Deqlan in his smiles and hugs and kisses and laughs and yes even in his logos !!! Lord, please keep my beautiful boy happy and healthy and safe always and help me to make the best decisions for him, especially now as we settle into our new life in KZN - thank you for my beautiful boy and the honor to be a Mom.

Lord , thank you for the memories we made with Aunty Rene , may she be happy and whole and let her know she is loved and thought of everyday. Help us to keep her memory alive in the stories who tell and share with Deqlan and Logan.

Lord, thank you for Aunty Cheryl, another mother in this family of ours - may you bless her with much improved health this year!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Khloe

To the most beautiful girl in the world, Khloe Rose

Happy 2nd Birthday for 7 May, precious and beautiful Khloe!

We hope you had a wonderful day filled with all the things you love to enjoy and all the special things that make you laugh so with delight and wonder!

I am so blessed that we are here with you to celebrate your cupcake party this weekend !

Stay the beautiful, thoughtful, loving, caring cupcake you are! Thank you for taking such amazing care of Deqlan, always so concerned about him , always wanting to share

You gave me a gift that is priceless and i will treasure always and that is , holding Deqlans hand when we arrived at the airport yesterday!
You truly are his best friend, he loves and adores you, as do we precious Khloe

God Bless and keep you in His loving arms always, i know how much you already love and understand about Jesus - He is so proud of you and Keatie, and so are we!

Happy Birthday beautiful girl, we love and adore you - you light up our family !!
God Bless, all our love and so much more
Mark Samm Deqlan Logan


Well , we have started off our new chapter in Kwazulu Natal - ive had a frustrating month with technology and very little time to blog!  My blackberry went for a swim in the toilet, my laptop became snail pace slow ( but Blessed that Mark arranged a new one for me ) and then a week with no signal in the midlands!

We did have a great time in the Midlands - but candida and frustration arrived to bug our precious Deqlan! We had some hairy moments but the amazing ones far outweighed them!

We have been in KZN for just over a month now and we were Blessed to start off with having Dee and Mom, Megs and Con ( for some of the time) and the kids here with us for the first few days! that meant so much to us and i dont know how i wouldve coped with them here in the beginning!
Deqlan started with his school assesment at Browns and he started off beautifully, happy and great! But as soon as Nanna and the rest of the family went home....things became increasingly difficult for Deqlan to settle. When we were all together i think Deqlan felt all was the same and almost like we where on holiday together

But as soon as the school going became something we did everyday, our Deqlan became so frustrated, unable to explain his anger and sadness - each time i walked into the classroom with him - he would throw himself down on the ground crying - he didnt participate in the speech therapy assesment - the therapist even asked us if he can comminucate with us ! What!!!! are you kidding??? of course he can ! can he tell us when he needs to go to the bathroom? What!!!! of course he can! At home , there would be moments of our happy boy and then moments of total sadness and despair- how heartbreaking to see :(

The school as extended his assesment period for another month in order to give him chance to settle down after the big move, and because his teacher will be away for two weeks - dont know what a great idea this is going to be , another new face that doesnt know and understand him! But we decided to push through this to see if we can establish a firmer routine of going to school and sticking it out, pushing through

How we miss Little Leaps and all the things we know!!!!! Our comfort zone!!!

The school also want us to see a paediatric neurologist - we have opted to see the one that diagnosed Deqlan , as he knows what Deqlan is really like. They have mentioned getting Deqlan onto medication to "calm him" and assist in learning - well - he never needed it at Little Leaps- he thrived there  - so the reason to give it now is not a valid one - he needs to feel loved, supported and understood and given the time to settle in to this brand new world and way of doing things!!!!!!!! So lets see what the Dr says and we will take things from there.....

Deqlan has had a better past 3 days and is getting back to being to himself please Lord

Please keep Deqlan in your prayers - i know he is covered in them already and they are working! Please pray for guidance for us to in how to help him best! Thank you for all the love and support!

We will be in Pretoria next weekend for Ms Khloe's 2nd Birthday Celebration - WE CANT WAIT!! Deqlan continuosly talking about the airports and Grandpa, Nanna, Ayline, Big Grandpa ,Logan,  Con+Megs and kids  - " where is keaton? you wanna khloe. you wanna khloes ipad" so heartsore not to be able to see them whenever we want to!

Some photos for you to enjoy :)

But trusting Our Great God and His plans for us!

Hope you are all well to!
God Bless all our love from KZN
Mark, Samm & Deqlan and soon to be Logan