Precious Khloe Rose was Christened on Sunday and it was a beautiful day for her! My camera isnt working like it should and i cant download my photos for some reason, so in the mean time enjoy some photos from Moms new snazzy camera and Lisa's beautiful images! More to follow i am sure!

Nanna and Khloe

Gorgeous Kristen

The beautiful blessings Nanna made for Khloe! They looked so beautiful!

Cutting Khloe's cake

The beautiful cake designed by Meggie especially for Khloe

Nanna and Grandpa

Uncle Ken and Mom

a PRICELESS photo of Big Nan! She is doing so well, looking so well, and is so happy! Thank You Lord for another answered prayer in Nan!

The kids had an awesome time in the pool Keaton the dare devil was jumping from quite a height with his BFF Logan

Deqlan the pool guy

Chris and Kristen enjoying the water

This is a major milestone for Deqlan - its the first time he has EVER kept a hat on!!! His head was very sensitive in the past, but he is so tolerant of so many things that worried him before, they just dont seem to worry him anymore! He doesnt even cry when we wash his hair anymore! So something we are doing is helping with this very sensitive area!

Isnt he gorgeous?? He couldnt be happier its summer and we can be in the water!!!

Khloe and her Oumie

Deqlan is besotted with Khloe, he adores he, and i kind of like to think she loves Deqlan just as much. He is so gentle with her, always wanting to touch her little face, and hug her and kiss her and even speak baby to her, to precious for words! I always knew in my heart these two are going to be best of friends just as Keaton and Logan are

Gorgeous Khloe and Meggie

Mom standing next to her beautiful bouquet she created for the church

Just us girls! Bev did Logans hair so beautifully! She felt so special!

So proud to be Khloe Godparents, thank you Conrad and Megs for this honor

Our precious Deqlan was amazing during the service - he wasnt upset for 1 single second, see below to see why...

Ivan and Sophie with Khloe

The Du Plessis fam

With Father Edward

Ice Holding Khloes Baptism candle

Mott holding Khloe's light

Look at the smile on Meggies face - i love this part, Father Edward raises the little one for everyone to see after they have been Christened

Khloe, you looked to beautiful for words, magnificent!

Father Edward blessing Conrad

Father Edward Blessing Megs

I will never forget this moment and the look on Khloes face, what an honor to hold you
Khoe as the waters ran over your head!

being blessed with the oil of chrism

Nan was delighted to be in our parish - they normally come to her and Grandpa every two weeks for communion and mass, but she was so touched to actually be back in church again!

The beautiful Khloe Rose and Meggie - she had the most precious ballet shoes on decorated in roses and diamante!
Some stunning photos that Lisa took of Khloes special day

I love this pic of me holding Khloe's candle with her in the background , a promise to lead her and teach her all about our amazing Lord as best as we can

Now this is why Deqlan was so good! He sat on Grandpa's lap eating his biscuits, with his feet up on the pew. The most beautiful part was watching Deqlan singing Jesus Loves me, thank You Lord for this beautiful beautiful unforgetable gift and thank you Grandpa for loving Deqlan SOOOOOOO much!

Khloe , you are breathtakingly beautiful

Conragtulations beautiful Khloe, Congratulations Conrad, Megs and Keaton, it was a beautiful day! We promise to be the best role models we can be for your precious little girl, we love and adore her !

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